2024-05-20 17:11:38 -04:00

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## xssbook
### description
who doesn't want to run non free javascript
now with xssbook you can run as much stallman disapprovement as you want
- all inputs on the site are unfiltered
- api calls dont care what you send them as long as they are valid strings
- upload anyfiles to be your profile avatar and banner (even adobe flash!!!)
- /apidocs for api documentation
### installation
XXSBook v2 is a multi docker image setup. To run, download the repoistory, build the docker images, and then start the stack.
# download the images
git clone https://g.freya.cat/freya/xssbook2 xssbook2
cd xssbook2
# build and run the stack
docker compose pull
docker compose build
docker compose up -d
The only configuration that you many want to change is the http port listed in the docker compose file. By default this is set to port 80, but it can be changed to whatever you want.
### migrating from xssbook v1
If you are runing a xssbook v1 setup, the database is fully incompatible with xssbook v2. Luckily there is a migration that exists to port over your data. XSSBook v1 has a single sqlite database file and a custom assets directory likly called `custom`. You will know you have the right directory if there are two sub directories called `avatar` and `banner`. Place the sqlite db file (called `xssbook.db`) and the `custom` directory in the `data/shim` folder of the xssbook v2 directory. If this doesnt exist please do a full setup of v2 first. Then run `docker compose up -d shim`, and you should be all set.
> WARNING: This will delete ALL data in the database if you specify xssbook v1 files in the data path. Make sure yo only run this once and remove the files once completed.
> NOTE: the migration will never run if the database files are not supplied.
### license
This project is licensed under the MIT license