1 5) Commands
kenshineto edited this page 2023-08-09 18:48:57 +00:00


Get information about the plugin

Usage: /hs about
Permission: hs.about

Map Add

Adds a map to the plugin

Usage: /hs map add <name>
Permission hs.map.add

Map Remove

Removes a map from the plugin

Usage: /hs map remove <name>
Permission hs.map.remove

Map List

Lists all maps

Usage: /hs map list
Permission hs.map.list

Map GoTo

Goes to a spawn point on a map

Usage: /hs map goto <name> <point>
Permission hs.map.goto

Map Debug

Gives a debug menu for a map

Usage: /hs map debug <name>
Permission hs.map.debug

Map Save

Creates a map save for a map

Usage: /hs map save <name>
Permission hs.map.save

Map Status

Tells what checks fail for a given map

Usage: /hs map status <map>
Permission hs.map.status

Map Set Spawn

Sets the global spawn for a map

Usage: /hs map set spawn <name>
Permission hs.map.set.spawn

Map Set Lobby

Sets the lobby point for a map

Usage: /hs map set lobby <name>
Permission hs.map.set.lobby

Map Set Seeker Lobby

Sets the seeker lobby/waiting area for a map

Usage: /hs map set seekerlobby <name>
Permission hs.map.set.seekerlobby

Map Set Bounds

Sets one of the bounds coordinates at a given position for a map

Usage: /hs map set bounds <name>
Permission hs.map.set.bounds

Map Set Border

Set the world border data for a map

Usage: /hs map set border <name> <*size> <*delay> <*move>
Permission hs.map.set.border

Map Blockhunt Enabled

Sets if blockhunt is enabled on a given map

Usage: /hs map blockhunt enabled <name> <true/false>
Permission hs.map.blockhunt.enabled

Map Blockhunt Blocks Add

Adds a block to a maps blockhunt block choice

Usage: /hs map blockhunt blocks add <name> <block>
Permission hs.map.blockhunt.blocks.add

Map Blockhunt Blocks Remove

Remove a block from a maps blockhunt block choice

Usage: /hs map blockhunt blocks remove <name> <block>
Permission hs.map.blockhunt.blocks.remove

Map Blockhunt Blocks List

List a maps blockhunt blocks

Usage: /hs map blockhunt blocks list <name>
Permission hs.map.blockhunt.blocks.list

World Create

Create a new world on the server

Usage: /hs world create <name> <type>
Permission hs.world.create

World Delete

Delete a world on the server

Usage: /hs world delete <name>
Permission hs.world.delete

World List

List all worlds on the server

Usage: /hs world list
Permission hs.world.list

World TP

Teleport to the other world

Usage: /hs world tp <name>
Permission hs.world.tp


Confirm a prompt from another command

Usage: /hs confirm
Permission hs.confirm


Get the commands for the plugin

Usage: /hs help
Permission: hideandseek.help


Joins the lobby if game is set to manual join/leave

Usage: /hs join
Permission: hideandseek.join


Leaves the lobby if game is set to manual join/leave

Usage: /hs leave
Permission: hideandseek.leave


Reloads the config files

Usage: /hs reload
Permission: hideandseek.reload


Send the game lobby to another map

Usage: /hs send <name>
Permission hs.send

Set Exit

Sets the hide and seek exit location to current position and world.

Usage: /hs setExit
Permission: hideandseek.setexit


Starts the hide and seek game for those in the lobby. You can also manually select a seeker.

Usage: /hs start <seeker>
Permission: hideandseek.start


Force stop the hide and seek game, and return players to lobby.

Usage: /hs stop
Permission: hideandseek.stop


Gets the top players in the server

Usage: /hs top <page>
Permission: hideandseek.top


Get the win information for yourself or another player

Usage: /hs wins <player>
Permission: hideandseek.wins