1 3) Configuration
kenshineto edited this page 2023-08-09 18:48:23 +00:00


This section is for the config.yml file

The config.yml file contains all of the general settings for the plugin, ranging from region local, to player count. Each option is listed below along with its default value, type, and description for that setting. Information for all of these settings will also be stated in the config.yml file.

Name Default Type Description
gameLength 1200 int How long in seconds will the game last, set it < 1 to disable
announceMessagesToNonPlayers true bool Announce join/leave/game over messages to people not playing the game
hideCountdownDisplay CHAT enum Where to display the hiding countdown messages when the game is starting
nametagsVisible false bool Allow Hiders to see their own teams nametags as well as seekers. Seekers can never see nametags
permissionsRequired true bool Require bukkit permissions though a plugin such as LuckPerms to run commands. Only disable if you trust ALL players
minPlayers 2 int Minimum amount of players to start the game. Minimum is 2.
pvp true bool This plugin by default functions as not tag to catch Hiders, but to pvp. All players are given weapons, and seekers slightly better weapons (this can be changed in items.yml). If you want, you can disable this entire pvp functionality, and make Hiders get found on a single hit. Hiders would also not be able to fight back against Seekers if disabled.
dropItems false bool Allows players to drop items from their inventory.
regen false bool Allow players to regen health
autoJoin false bool Players that join the server will automatically be placed into the lobby
teleportToExit false bool (When autoJoin is false), when players join the world containing the lobby, they are automatically teleported to the designated exit position so that they possibly don't spawn in the lobby while not in the queue. Anyone who ever joins in the game world (the duplicated world where the game is played) will always be teleported out regardless.
leaveOnEnd false bool Empty the game lobby at the end of each game
leaveType EXIT enum When running /hs leave, should they leave the lobby, or be sent back to a bungeecord hub server?
leaveServer hub String If leaveType is set to PROXY, this is the name of the server to send people to as the bungeecord hub server
mapSaveEnabled true bool If set to false, the mapSave will be ignored and it will just use the original map. Warning: if set to false, there will be no rolling back of any changed to the map during gameplay.
saveInventory false bool If enabled a playesr inventory will be saved upon entering a lobby and given back when they leave the lobby
delayedRespawn.enabled true bool If enabled, seekers must wait a cooldown until respawning back into the map besides instally being respawned.
delayedRespawn.delay 5 int The delayd respawn delay in seconds.
databaseType SQLITE enum The type of database the plugin will try to connect to
databaseHost localhost String Only needed if using MYSQL databaseType. The host for the database.
databasePort 3306 String Only needed if using MYSQL databaseType. The port for the database.
databaseUser root String Only needed if using MYSQL databaseType. The username for the database.
databasePass String Only needed if using MYSQL databaseType. The password for the database.
databaseName hideandseek String Only needed if using MYSQL databaseType. The database name for the database.
taunt.delay 360 int how often in seconds a random taunt will trigger
taunt.whenLastPerson false bool allow the taunt to occur on the last player
taunt.showCountdown true bool show when the next taunt will occur
taunt.enabled true bool if the taunt event is enabled
glow.time 30 int how long in seconds the glow powerup will go for
glow.stackable true bool if two players use it at the same time, the timers will stack
glow.enabled true bool if the glow powerup is enabled for hiders
alwaysGlow false bool Always shows all seekers positions to each hider by giving them a glow effect. Disiables the glow powerup if enabled. Only on 1.9+
prefix String Prefix's for plugin messages
placeholder.incorrect {Error} String The error placeholder for the PlaceholderAPI functions
placeholder.noData {No Data} String The no data placeholder for the PlaceholderAPI functions
lobby.countdown 60 int The lobby default countdown wait time if a certain player treashold hasnt been met
lobby.changeCountdown 5 int Sets the lobby countdown timer to 10 seconds if this may players join the lobby
lobby.min 3 int Minimum number of players to auto start the game
lobby.max 10 int Maximum number of players that can join the lobby
lobby.enabled true bool If the lobby system is enabled at all
lobbyItems.leave.material BED Material The material for the lobby leave item
lobbyItems.leave.name &cLeave Lobby String The name of the lobby leave item
lobbyItems.leave.lore ["Go back to server hub"] String Array An array/list of strings for the lore the lobby leave item
lobbyItems.leave.position 8 int The position in the hotbar that the lobby leave item will be in
lobbyItems.leave.model-data 0 int The model data for the lobby leave item
lobbyIteam.leave.enabled true bool If the lobby leave item is enabled
lobbyItems.start.material CLOCK Material The material for the lobby start item
lobbyItems.start.name &bStart Game String The name of the lobby start item
lobbyItems.start.lore [] String Array An array/list of strings for the lore the lobby start item
lobbyItems.start.position 0 int The position in the hotbar that the lobby start item will be in
lobbyItems.start.model-data 0 int The model data for the lobby start item
lobbyIteam.start.enabled true bool If the lobby start item is enabled
lobbyItems.start.adminOnly true bool If the lobby start item is only given to admins
spectatorItems.flight.material FEATHER Material The material for the spectator flight item
spectatorItems.flight.name &bToggle Flight String The name of the spectator flight item
spectatorItems.flight.lore ["Turns flying on and off"] String Array An array/list of strings for the lore the spectator flight item
spectatorItems.flight.position 3 int The position in the hotbar that the spectator flight item will be in
spectatorItems.flight.model-data 0 int The model data for the spectator flight item
spectatorItems.flight.enabled true bool If the spectator flight item is enabled
spectatorItems.teleport.material COMPASS Material The material for the spectator teleport item
spectatorItems.teleport.name &bTeleport to Others String The name of the spectator teleport item
spectatorItems.teleport.lore ["Allows you to teleport to all other players in game"] String Array An array/list of strings for the lore the spectator teleport item
spectatorItems.teleport.position 5 int The position in the hotbar that the spectator teleport item will be in
spectatorItems.teleport.model-data 0 int The model data for the spectator teleport item
spectatorItems.teleport.enabled true bool If the spectator teleport item is enabled
seekerPing.distances 30, 20, 10 int The 3 distances in blocks where the different levels of seeker ping will play
seekerPing.sounds.leadingVolume 0.5 float The first notes volume in the seeker ping cycle
seekerPing.sounds.volume 0.3 float The rest of the notes volumes in the seeker ping cycle
seekerPing.sounds.pitch 1 float The pitch of the seeker ping notes
seekerPing.sounds.heartbeatNoise BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_BASEDRUM Sound
seekerPing.sounds.ringingNoise BLOCK_NOTE_BLOCK_PLING Sound
seekerPing.enabled true bool If the seeker ping is enabled
local en_US String What default localization.yml file to use. If you input an invalid default setting, the plugin will not work
blockedCommands [msg, tp, gamemode, kill, give, effect] String Array An array/list of commands that will be blocked from running for any user in the game
blockedInteracts [FURNACE, CRAFTING_TABLE, ANVIL, CHEST, BARREL] Material Array An array/list of Materials that when interactd with will do nothing if the user is in the lobby or game
bounds int The locations of the bounds
spawns.game.xyz 0, 0, 0 int The location of the game spawn
spawns.game.world world String The name of the world the game spawn is in
spawns.lobby.xyz 0, 0, 0 int The location of the lobby
spawns.lobby.world world String The name of the world the lobby is in
spawns.exit.xyz 0, 0, 0 int The location of the exit
spawns.exit.world world String The name of the world the exit location is in


This section is for the localization.yml file

Depending on the pregenerated localization.yml file you selected in the config.yml file, this file will contain all of the messages the plugin will send in chat. You can then further change the messages while also using the minecraft color codes. Use & to specify a start of a color code. Do not edit the two values on the bottom of the file or you risk breaking the plugin or resetting all of the data in the file.

Current supported languages

Language local setting
English en_US
German de_DE


This section is for the leaderboard.yml file

This config file allows you to change what is displayed on the scoreboard\leaderboard while in the lobby, or in the game. Below are a list of predefined placeholders.


Name Description
{COUNTDOWN} Displays the time left in the lobby countdown. If there are not enough people in the lobby, or the lobby countdown its disabled, it just displays waiting for players. The text displayed can be changed below.
{COUNT} The amount of player currently in the lobby.
{SEEKER%} The chance that a player will be selected to be a seeker.
{HIDER%} The chance that a player will be selected to be a hider.
{MAP} The current map that the game is on.


Name Description
{TIME} The amount of time left in the game in MmSs.
{TEAM} The team you are on. Hider, Seeker, or Spectator.
{BORDER} The current status of the world boarder, if enabled. If the world border is disabled, this line is removed automatically. Displays the time left until the border moves in MmSs, or "Decreasing" if it's decreasing. What is displayed exactly can be changed below.
{TAUNT} The current status of the taunt system, if enabled. If taunts are disabled, any line with {TAUNT} will be automatically removed. Shows the time left till next taunt in MmSs, if the taunt is active, and if the taunt has expired (one player left). What is displayed exactly can be changed below.
{GLOW} The current status of the glow powerup, if enabled. This line is automatically removed if the glow poewrup is disabled. Tells all players if a Glow powerup is active, only Hiders will be able to see its effects though.
{#SEEKER} Number of current seekers.
{#HIDER} Number of current hiders.
{MAP} The current map the game is on.

You can use theese placeholders to specify the content of the leaderboards on the side of the screen in both the lobby and while in game. You can also set the speific types of text different place holders will return as well in the config file.


This section is for the items.yml file

If you have pvp enabled, this file will specify what items each player will get. There are two sections for items, one for hiders, and one for seekers. Spectators don't get any items. Below is a table on the parameters, and some examples on some premade items.

Name Type Description
material Material What item to give
amount int The amount of potions to give
enchantments EnchantingID : int The name of the enchantment, followed by a :, then the enchantment level.
name String Items name
unbreakable bool If the item is unbreakable
lore String list List of lore strings

Weapon Example

  material: DIAMOND_SWORD
  amount: 1
    sharpness: 1
  name: 'Seeker Sword'
  unbreakable: true
    - 'This is the seeker sword'

You can also give potions to your players. Below is a table on what you need, and some examples on how to do it.

Name Type Description
material Material POTION or SPLASH_POTION
amount int The amount of potions to give
type PotionType The type of potion

Potion Example

  material: POTION
  amount: 1

Splash Potion Example

  material: SPLASH_POTION
  amount: 1
  type: REGEN

The next section of the file is effects. These are the effects players on each team will receive after the initial hiding countdown finishes. Again, this section is broken into effects seekers get, and effects hiders get.

You will need to specify the following information:

Name Type Description
type PotionEffectType The type of potion effect.
duration int The duration in seconds for the effect to last. Put 1000000 for it to last until the the player switches teams or the game ends
amplifier int The minecraft effects amplifier.
ambient bool Makes potion effect produce more, translucent, particles.
particles bool If the effect should produce particles at all.

Effect Example

  duration: 1000000
  amplifier: 1
  ambient: false
  particles: false

Finally, the ID's of each of the sections for the effects and items MUST be in numerical order. For example, the item marked '1', must then be followed by an item marked '2', otherwise the '2' item will be skipped, along with the rest of the items for that team.