## xssbook

### description

who doesn't want to run non free javascript

now with xssbook you can run as much stallman disapprovement as you want
- all inputs on the site are unfiltered
- api calls dont care what you send them as long as they are valid strings
- upload anyfiles to be your profile avatar and banner (even adobe flash!!!)

### installation

To get the checkout run:

git clone https://g.freya.cat/freya/xssbook2 xssbook2
cd xssbook2

XSSBook v2 runs in docker compose. To run, you MUST do ALL of the following:

    - Update PROJECT_DIR in .env to be an absolute path to your current directory
    - Build all css source from sass by running `make`
    - Use `site/compose` instead of docker compose

Finally, to build the images and start, run:

./site/compose build --pull
./site/compose up -d

> NOTE: You many want to change is HTTP_PORT and HTTP_BIND in .env.

### migrating from xssbook v1

See `shim/README.md`

### license

This project is licensed under the GNU GPLv3.