Next, make sure where you are runing the binary from, that you copy the sources public folder to the same directory. The public folder is needed to server html, css, js, and font files.
Next, the /admin page is protected by a set secret. By default this is set to admin, but you should change it by setting the `SECRET` environment variable.
Finally, the site runs on port `8080`, so its recommended you put it behind a reverse proxy, or you could use a docker container and remap the outsite port (see below).
Finally if you are using docker by itself, a reverse proxy, or both, the ip send to the container likily will not be the correct ip. xssbook looks for headers `x-forwarded-for`, `x-real-ip`, and `forwarded` to check for proxies. So make sure to have those headers set. Or if your running just docker, you could also run the docker container on the host network instead of on the bridge network.