import { del_domain, domains } from './api.js' import { header } from './components.js' import { body, parse, div, input, button, span, is_domain } from './main.js'; function render(domains) { document.body.replaceWith( body({}, header('domains'), div({id: 'new'}, input({ type: 'text', name: 'domain', id: 'domain', placeholder: 'Type domain name to create new records', autocomplete: "off", }), button({onclick: () => { let domain = document.getElementById('domain').value if (!is_domain(domain)) { alert("Invalid domain") return } location.href = '/domain?domain='+domain }}, parse("Create") ) ), ...domain(domains) ) ) } function domain(domains) { let divs = [] for (const domain of domains) { divs.push( div({class: 'domain'}, div({class: 'block'}, parse(domain) ), button({class: 'edit', onclick: (event) => { console.log( let domain = event .target .parentElement .getElementsByClassName('block')[0] .innerText if (!is_domain(domain)) { alert("Invalid domain") return } location.href = '/domain?domain='+domain }}, parse("Edit") ), button({class: 'delete', onclick: async () => { let res = await del_domain(domain) if (res.status != 204) { alert(res.msg) return } location.reload() }}, parse("Delete") ) ) ) } return divs } async function init() { let res = await domains(); if (res.status !== 200) { alert(res.msg) return } render(res.json) } init()