import { Game } from "./game.js"; import { startInputListener } from "./input.js"; import { multiplayer } from "./multiplayer.js"; import { advance, initState } from "./logic.js"; import { startGraphicsUpdater } from "./gfx/graphics.js"; const join = document.getElementById("join") const lobby = document.getElementById("lobby") = "none" join.onsubmit = async function(event) { event.preventDefault() const room_code = this.elements.room_code.value.trim() const player_name = if (room_code == '') { alert('Please enter a room code') return } if (player_name == '') { alert('Please enter a player name') return } = "none" startGame(room_code, player_name) } function startGame(code, name) { const game = = new Game(3000, advance); const fps = 60; let delay = 3; // set up the game up // const ui = document.getElementById("ui"); // = "block"; multiplayer( game, code, (startFrame, latency, player, update, ping, desyncCheck) => { // document.getElementById("desynccheck").onclick = function(e) { // e.preventDefault(); // this.textContent = "check for desyncs: checking..."; // desyncCheck(game.currentFrame - 5) // .then(res => { // this.textContent = "check for desyncs: " + (res ? "desync" : "no desync"); // }); // } console.log("started game at frame", startFrame); window.desyncCheck = () => desyncCheck(game.currentFrame - 5); = "" let startTs = - latency; let lastFrame = startFrame; update({ name, }, startFrame + 1); const getInput = startInputListener(); const updateGraphics = startGraphicsUpdater(); const start_data = game.getHistory(startFrame) if ( { alert('Room has already started') return false } let players = Object.values( => { return !== undefined }) if (players.length >= 4) { alert('Room is full') return false } // main game loop let lastTs =; function f(ts) { const frame = Math.floor((ts - startTs) / 1000 * fps) + startFrame; if(frame !== lastFrame) { // update input once per frame, regardless of the display refresh rate lastFrame = frame; // gather input const input = getInput(); // apply input update(input, frame + delay); } // set up graphics game.currentFrame = frame; const data = game.getHistory(frame); updateGraphics(data ? : initState); lastTs = ts; requestAnimationFrame(f); } requestAnimationFrame(f); if(startFrame === -1) { update({ name, }, 0); } return true } ); }