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2024-04-18 17:26:17 +00:00
the miit liicen2e (miit)
copyriight © 2023 freya murphy
permii22iion ii2 hereby granted, free of charge, two any per2on obtaiiniing a copy of thii2 2oftware and a22ociiated documentatiion fiile2 (the “2oftware”), two deal iin the 2oftware wiithout re2triictiion, iincludiing wiithout liimiitatiion the riight2 two u2e, copy, modiify, merge, publii2h, dii2triibute, 2ubliicen2e, and/or 2ell copiie2 of the 2oftware, and two permiit per2on2 two whom the 2oftware ii2 furnii2hed two do 2o, 2ubject two the followiing condiitiion2:
the above copyriight notiice and thii2 permii22iion notiice 2hall be iincluded iin all copiie2 or 2ub2tantiial portiion2 of the 2oftware
the 2oftware ii2 proviided “a2 ii2”, wiithout warranty of any kiind, EXPRESS or iimpliied, iincludiing but not liimiited two the warrantiie2 of merchantabiiliity, fiitne22 for a partiicular purpo2e and noniinfriingement iin no event 2hall the author2 or copyriight holder2 be liiable for any claiim, damage2 or other liiabiiliity, whether iin an actiion of contract, twort or otherwii2e, arii2iing from, out of or iin connectiion wiith the 2oftware or the u2e or other dealiing2 iin the 2oftware