#!/bin/sh set -e lower() { echo "$1" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' } upper() { echo "$1" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' } # global MC_TYPE="$(lower "${MC_TYPE:-vanilla}")" MC_VERSION="$(lower "${MC_VERSION:-latest}")" # papermc PAPERMC_BUILD="$(lower "${PAPERMC_BUILD:-latest}")" # fabric FABRIC_LOADER="$(lower "${FABRIC_LOADER:-latest}")" FABRIC_INSTALLER="$(lower "${FABRIC_INSTALLER:-latest}")" # other QUIET=1 req() { res=$(curl --fail --silent "$1") code=$? if [ $code -ne 0 ]; then echo "null"; else echo "$res"; fi } error() { printf '\x1b[31m[ERROR]\t\x1b[0m%s\n' "$*" > /dev/stderr exit 1; } log() { if [ "$QUIET" -eq 0 ]; then printf '\x1b[0m[LOG]\t%s\n' "$*" > /dev/stderr fi } index_array() { array="$1" key="$2" type="$3" if [ "$key" = "latest" ]; then index=$(echo "$array" | jq ". | index( last )"); else index=$(echo "$array" | jq ". | index( \"$key\" )"); fi if [ "$index" = "null" ]; then error "Invalid $type: $key" else echo "$array" | jq -r ".[$index]"; fi } #https://api.papermc.io/v2/projects/velocity/versions/3.3.0-SNAPSHOT/ papermc() { api="https://api.papermc.io/v2/projects" log "Using papermc api v2" get_version() { log "Getting VERSION for '$MC_TYPE'" versions=$(req "$api/$MC_TYPE" | jq -r '.versions') if [ "$versions" = "null" ]; then error "Invalid TYPE: $MC_TYPE (no versions)" fi MC_VERSION=$(index_array "$versions" "$MC_VERSION" "VERSION") log "VERSION: $MC_VERSION" } get_build() { log "Getting BUILD for '$MC_TYPE@$MC_VERSION'" builds=$(req "$api/$MC_TYPE/versions/$MC_VERSION" | jq -r ".builds") if [ "$builds" = "null" ]; then error "Invalid VERSION: $MC_TYPE@$MC_TYPE (no builds)" fi PAPERMC_BUILD=$(index_array "$builds" "$PAPERMC_BUILD" "BUILD") log "BUILD: $PAPERMC_BUILD" } get_version get_build echo "$api/$MC_TYPE/versions/$MC_VERSION/builds/$PAPERMC_BUILD/downloads/$MC_TYPE-$MC_VERSION-$PAPERMC_BUILD.jar" } fabric() { api="https://meta.fabricmc.net/v2/versions" log "Using fabric api v2" get_fabric_impl() { type="$1" value="$2" res="" if [ "$value" = "latest" ]; then res=$(req "$api/$type" | jq -r 'map(select(.stable == true) | .version) | reverse') else res=$(req "$api/$type" | jq -r 'map(.version) | reverse') fi; echo $res; } get_game() { log "Getting VERSION for '$MC_TYPE'" games=$(get_fabric_impl "game" "$MC_VERSION") MC_VERSION=$(index_array "$games" "$MC_VERSION" "VERSION") log "VERSION: $MC_VERSION" } get_loader() { log "Getting LOADER for '$MC_TYPE'" loaders=$(get_fabric_impl "loader" "$FABRIC_LOADER") FABRIC_LOADER=$(index_array "$loaders" "$FABRIC_LOADER" "LOADER") log "LOADER: $FABRIC_LOADER" } get_installer() { log "Getting INSTALLER for '$MC_TYPE'" installers=$(get_fabric_impl "installer" "$FABRIC_INSTALLER") FABRIC_INSTALLER=$(index_array "$installers" "$FABRIC_INSTALLER" "INSTALLER") log "INSTALLER: $FABRIC_INSTALLER" } get_game get_loader get_installer echo "$api/loader/$MC_VERSION/$FABRIC_LOADER/$FABRIC_INSTALLER/server/jar" } vanilla() { versions=$(req 'https://launchermeta.mojang.com/mc/game/version_manifest.json' | jq '.versions | map({ "id": .id, "type": .type, "url": .url }) | reverse'); map_type_impl() { type="$1" echo "$versions" | jq -r "map(select(.type == \"$type\"))" } get_version() { log "Getting VERSION for '$MC_TYPE'" version="" case "$MC_VERSION" in "latest") version=$(map_type_impl "release" | jq -r 'last') ;; "snapshot") version=$(map_type_impl "snapshot" | jq -r 'last') ;; *) version=$(echo "$versions" | jq ".[] | select(.id == \"$MC_VERSION\")") ;; esac if [ "$version" = "null" ] || [ "$version" = "" ]; then error "Invalid VERSION: $MC_VERSION" fi log "VERSION: $(echo "$version" | jq -r '.id')" json=$(echo "$version" | jq -r '.url') url=$(req "$json" | jq -r '.downloads.server.url') if [ "$url" = "null" ]; then error "Cannot get server jar for VERSION: $MC_VERSION" fi echo "$url" } get_version } get_url() { log "TYPE: $MC_TYPE" case "$MC_TYPE" in "vanilla") vanilla ;; "paper" | "waterfall" | "velocity" | "folia") papermc ;; "fabric") fabric ;; *) error "Invalid TYPE: $MC_TYPE" ;; esac } usage() { printf "usage: mcjar [options]\n" } help() { printf "usage: mcjar [options]\n\n" printf "options:\n" printf "\t-h\tshow this message\n" printf "\t-l\tshow logging (verbose)\n\n" printf "\t-t TYPE\t\tset the mc server type\n" printf "\t [vanilla,fabric,paper,folia,velocity,waterfall]\n\n" printf "\t-v VERSION\tset the mc server version\n" printf "\t [latest,snapshot,<version>]\n\n" printf "environment:\n" printf "\tMC_TYPE\t\tsets the mc server type (same as -t TYPE)\n" printf "\tMC_VERSION\tsets the mc server version (same as -v VERSION)\n\n" printf "\tPAPERMC_BUILD\tsets the papermc build\n\n" printf "\tFABRIC_LOADER\t\tsets the fabric loder version\n" printf "\tFABRIC_INSTALLER\tsets the fabric installer version\n\n" } while getopts "hlt:v:" arg > /dev/null; do case $arg in h) help exit 0 ;; l) QUIET=0 ;; t) MC_TYPE=${OPTARG} ;; v) MC_VERSION=${OPTARG} ;; ?) error "unknown option" exit 1 ;; esac; done; get_url