#include "chunk.hpp" namespace app { // // CHUNK CONSTRUCTORS AND DECONSTUCTORS // Chunk::Chunk(int32_t gridX, int32_t gridZ, uint32_t world_seed) : world_seed{world_seed}, chunk_seed{(world_seed * gridX) + (world_seed * gridZ) / 2}, gridX{gridX}, gridZ{gridZ} { chunkMesh = nullptr; generate(); } Chunk::~Chunk() { if(chunkMesh != nullptr) delete chunkMesh; if(worker.joinable()) worker.join(); } // // CHUNK CREATION AND DELETION // static std::map, Chunk*> chunks{}; Chunk* Chunk::newChunk(int32_t gridX, int32_t gridZ, uint32_t world_seed) { Chunk* chunk = new Chunk(gridX, gridZ, world_seed); chunks[{gridX, gridZ}] = std::move(chunk); return chunks[{gridX, gridZ}]; } Chunk* Chunk::getChunk(int32_t gridX, int32_t gridZ) { if(chunks.count({gridX, gridZ})) { return chunks[{gridX, gridZ}]; } else { return NULL; } } // // CHUNK TEXTURE AND BLOCK LOADING // static std::map blocks{}; static std::map texturesIds{}; static std::vector textures{}; void loadTexture(const std::string& filePath) { xe::Image* image = xe::Engine::getInstance()->loadImageFromFile(filePath, false); texturesIds[filePath] = static_cast(textures.size()); textures.push_back(image); } uint32_t getTexture(const std::string& filePath) { return texturesIds[filePath]; } std::vector& Chunk::getTextures() { return textures; } void Chunk::load() { loadTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE); loadTexture(GRASS_TEXTURE); loadTexture(GRASS_TOP_TEXTURE); blocks[DIRT] = {{getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE)}}; blocks[GRASS] = {{getTexture(GRASS_TEXTURE), getTexture(GRASS_TEXTURE), getTexture(GRASS_TOP_TEXTURE), getTexture(DIRT_TEXTURE), getTexture(GRASS_TEXTURE), getTexture(GRASS_TEXTURE)}}; } void Chunk::unload() { for(const auto &image: textures) { delete image; } for(const auto &[key, chunk]: chunks) { delete chunk; } chunks.clear(); textures.clear(); } // // CHUNK MESH CREATION FOR BOTH SYNC AND ASYNC // void Chunk::createMeshAsync(Chunk* c) { if(c->working) return; c->worker = std::thread(createMesh, c); } void Chunk::createMesh(Chunk* c) { c->working = true; c->vertexData.data.clear(); for(int32_t x=0;x<16;x++) { for(int32_t y=0; y<256; y++) { for(int32_t z=0; z<16; z++) { uint8_t block = c->getBlock(x,y,z); if(block == AIR) continue; if(c->getBlock(x+1,y,z) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 0, x, y, z, block); } if(c->getBlock(x-1,y,z) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 1, x, y, z, block); } if(c->getBlock(x,y+1,z) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 2, x, y, z, block); } if(c->getBlock(x,y-1,z) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 3, x, y, z, block); } if(c->getBlock(x,y,z+1) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 4, x, y, z, block); } if(c->getBlock(x,y,z-1) == AIR) { c->addVerticies(c, 5, x, y, z, block); } } } } c->working = false; c->reloadRequired = true; } void Chunk::addVerticies(Chunk* c, uint8_t side, int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, uint8_t block) { for(int i = 0; i < 6; i ++) { c->vertexData.write(px[side * 6 + i][0] + x); c->vertexData.write(px[side * 6 + i][1] + y); c->vertexData.write(px[side * 6 + i][2] + z); c->vertexData.write(nm[side][0]); c->vertexData.write(nm[side][1]); c->vertexData.write(nm[side][2]); c->vertexData.write(uv[i][0]); c->vertexData.write(uv[i][1]); c->vertexData.write(static_cast(blocks[block].textures[side])); } } // // CHUNK GETTERS AND SETTORS // xe::Model* Chunk::getMesh() { if(reloadRequired) { if(chunkMesh != nullptr) delete chunkMesh; if(worker.joinable()) worker.join(); xe::Model::Builder builder{}; builder.vertexData = vertexData; builder.vertexSize = 36; chunkMesh = new xe::Model(xe::Engine::getInstance()->getDevice(), builder); reloadRequired = false; } return chunkMesh; } uint8_t Chunk::getBlock(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z) { if(y > 256) return AIR; if(y < 0) return INVALID; int chunkX = gridX; int chunkZ = gridZ; if(x < 0) { chunkX--; } else if(x > 15) { chunkX++; } if(z < 0) { chunkZ--; } else if(z > 15) { chunkZ++; } x = (x+16)%16; z = (z+16)%16; if(chunkX == gridX && chunkZ == gridZ) { int index = x + (z * 16) + (y * 256); return cubes[index]; } else { Chunk* chunk = getChunk(chunkX, chunkZ); if(chunk == NULL) { return INVALID; } else { int index = x + (z * 16) + (y * 256); return chunk->cubes[index]; } } } void Chunk::setBlock(int32_t x, int32_t y, int32_t z, uint8_t block) { int index = x + (z * 16) + (y * 256); cubes[index] = block; } // // CHUNK GENERATION // void Chunk::generate() { cubes.resize(16*16*256); const PerlinNoise perlin{world_seed}; for(int x = 0; x < 16; x++) { for(int z = 0; z < 16; z++) { int height = perlin.octave2D_01((( x + gridX * 16) * 0.01), ((z + gridZ * 16) * 0.01), 4) * 10; for(int y = 0; y < 256; y++) { if(y == height){ setBlock(x, y, z, GRASS); } else if(y < height) setBlock(x, y, z, DIRT); else setBlock(x, y, z, AIR); } } } } }