# # ldap_forwardauth config file # # == LDAP SETTINGS == # Enter the auth information for the ldap bind dn auth LDAP_URL="ldap://" LDAP_BIND_DN="cn=example,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAP_BIND_PASSWORD="securePassword" LDAP_BASE_DN="ou=users,dc=example,dc=com" LDAP_FILTER="(&)" LDAP_UID="cn" # == LDAP MATCHERS == # Matchers allow the program to figure out what fields # contain what type of data LDAP_USERNAME_MATCHER="uid" LDAP_EMAIL_MATCHER="mail" LDAP_FIRST_NAME_MATCHER="givenname" LDAP_LAST_NAME_MATCHER="sn" # == FORWARD AUTH HEADER NAMES == # Specify the names for the forward auth headers # ldap_forwardauth should output HTTP_USERNAME_HEADER=X-Webauth-Username HTTP_EMAIL_HEADER=X-Webauth-Email HTTP_FIRST_NAME_HEADER=X-Webauth-First-Name HTTP_LAST_NAME_HEADER=X-Webauth-Last-Name # == HOST INFORMATION == # The http host is the domain and port ldap_forwardauth is hosted at # Cookie domain is the superset of domains that ldap_forwardauth can auth to # Note: HTTPH_HOST must must be the same or a subdomain to COOKIE_DOMAIN HTTP_HOST=auth.example.com COOKIE_DOMAIN=example.com COOKIE_NAME=X-Webauth-Token