#include "command.h" #include "lslib.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define FILE_COLOR ANSCII BLACK COLOR #define DIR_COLOR ANSCII BOLD NEXT NORMAL BLUE COLOR #define DIR_COLOR_EXEC ANSCII BACKGROUND GREEN NEXT NORMAL BLACK COLOR #define LINK_COLOR ANSCII BOLD NEXT NORMAL TURQUOISE COLOR #define SET_UID_COLOR ANSCII BACKGROUND RED NEXT NORMAL WHITE COLOR #define SET_GID_COLOR ANSCII BACKGROUND YELLOW NEXT NORMAL BLACK COLOR #define EXEC_COLOR ANSCII BOLD NEXT NORMAL GREEN COLOR #define BLK_COLOR ANSCII BOLD NEXT NORMAL YELLOW COLOR #define SOCK_COLOR ANSCII BOLD NEXT NORMAL MAGENTA COLOR enum When { YES, NO, AUTO }; static struct { bool hidden; bool hide_dot; bool more_info; bool one_column; bool recurse; enum When colored; } flags; struct FileInfo { struct passwd* usr; struct group* grp; char* name; char date[13]; char mode[11]; char size[5]; int links; int bytes; bool set_uid; bool set_gid; bool exec; unsigned char type; }; struct FileListInfo { int max_link; int max_usr; int max_grp; int max_size; int max_name; int total_len; int total_size; }; static DIR* get_directory(char* path) { DIR* d = opendir(path); if (d == NULL) { if (errno == ENOTDIR) { error_s("`%s` is a a file\n", path); } else { error_s("failed to open directory '%s': %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); } } return d; } static bool get_file_info(const char* file_name, struct FileInfo* info) { uid_t uid; gid_t gid; int save, ty; struct stat s; size_t file_len; uid = getuid(); gid = getgid(); memset(&s, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); save = push_path_buffer(file_name); if (lstat(get_path_buffer(), &s) < 0) { error_s("failed to read file '%s': %s\n", get_path_buffer(), strerror(errno)); pop_path_buffer(save); return false; } ty = (s.st_mode & S_IFMT) >> 12; info->set_uid = false; info->set_gid = false; info->exec = false; switch (ty) { case DT_BLK: info->mode[0] = 'b'; break; case DT_CHR: info->mode[0] = 'c'; break; case DT_DIR: info->mode[0] = 'd'; break; case DT_FIFO: info->mode[0] = 'f'; break; case DT_LNK: info->mode[0] = 'l'; break; case DT_SOCK: info->mode[0] = 's'; break; case DT_UNKNOWN: info->mode[0] = 'u'; break; case DT_WHT: info->mode[0] = 'w'; break; default: info->mode[0] = '-'; break; } info->mode[1] = (s.st_mode & S_IRUSR) ? 'r' : '-'; info->mode[2] = (s.st_mode & S_IWUSR) ? 'w' : '-'; if (s.st_mode & S_IXUSR) { if (s.st_mode & S_ISUID) { info->mode[3] = 's'; info->set_uid = true; } else { info->mode[3] = 'x'; } if (!info->exec) info->exec = s.st_uid == uid; } else { info->mode[3] = '-'; } info->mode[4] = (s.st_mode & S_IRGRP) ? 'r' : '-'; info->mode[5] = (s.st_mode & S_IWGRP) ? 'w' : '-'; if (s.st_mode & S_IXGRP) { if (s.st_mode & S_ISGID) { info->mode[6] = 's'; info->set_gid = true; } else { info->mode[6] = 'x'; } if (!info->exec) info->exec = s.st_gid == gid; } else { info->mode[6] = '-'; } info->mode[7] = (s.st_mode & S_IROTH) ? 'r' : '-'; info->mode[8] = (s.st_mode & S_IWOTH) ? 'w' : '-'; if (s.st_mode & S_IXOTH) { info->mode[9] = 'x'; info->exec = true; } else { info->mode[9] = '-'; } info->mode[10] = '\0'; info->usr = getpwuid(s.st_uid); if (info->usr == NULL) { error_s("failed to get user from `%s`\n", get_path_buffer()); pop_path_buffer(save); return false; } info->grp = getgrgid(s.st_gid); if (info->grp == NULL) { error_s("failed to get user from `%s`\n", get_path_buffer()); pop_path_buffer(save); return false; } info->links = s.st_nlink; info->type = ty; file_len = strlen(file_name) + 1; info->name = malloc(file_len); memcpy(info->name, file_name, file_len); print_file_size(s.st_size, info->size); print_date_time(s.st_mtim.tv_sec + s.st_mtim.tv_nsec / 1000000000, info->date); info->bytes = (s.st_size + s.st_blksize - 1) / s.st_blksize; pop_path_buffer(save); return true; } static char* get_file_color(struct FileInfo* info) { char* color; if (info->type == DT_DIR) { if (info->mode[8] == 'w') { color = DIR_COLOR_EXEC; } else { color = DIR_COLOR; } } else if (info->type == DT_LNK) { color = LINK_COLOR; } else if (info->type == DT_SOCK) { color = SOCK_COLOR; } else if ( info->type == DT_CHR || info->type == DT_BLK ) { color = BLK_COLOR; } else { if (info->set_uid) { color = SET_UID_COLOR; } else if (info->set_gid) { color = SET_GID_COLOR; } else if (info->exec) { color = EXEC_COLOR; } else { color = FILE_COLOR; } } return color; } static void list_files(struct FileInfo* files, int file_len, struct FileListInfo info) { struct winsize w; char* color; int column_width, row_count, i; if (flags.more_info) { char total[13]; print_file_size(info.total_size, total); printf("total %s\n", total); } ioctl(STDOUT_FILENO, TIOCGWINSZ, &w); if (!isatty(1)) { flags.one_column = true; if (flags.colored == AUTO) flags.colored = NO; } column_width = info.max_name + 1; row_count = w.ws_col / column_width; for (i = 0; i < file_len; i++) { struct FileInfo finfo = files[i]; color = get_file_color(&finfo); if (flags.more_info) { printf("%s %*d %*s %*s %*s %s %s%s%s", finfo.mode, info.max_link, finfo.links, info.max_usr, finfo.usr->pw_name, info.max_grp, finfo.grp->gr_name, info.max_size, finfo.size, finfo.date, flags.colored != NO ? color : "", finfo.name, flags.colored != NO ? "\x1b[0m" : "" ); if (finfo.type == DT_LNK) { int save = push_path_buffer(finfo.name); char lnk[PATH_MAX]; ssize_t n; if ((n = readlink(get_path_buffer(), lnk, PATH_MAX)) != -1) { printf(" -> %.*s\n", (int)n, lnk); } else { putchar('\n'); } pop_path_buffer(save); } else { putchar('\n'); } } else if (flags.one_column) { printf("%s%s%s\n", flags.colored != NO ? color : "", finfo.name, flags.colored != NO ? "\x1b[0m" : ""); } else { if (info.total_len > w.ws_col) { if (i != 0 && i % row_count == 0) putchar('\n'); printf("%s%*s%s", flags.colored != NO ? color : "", -column_width, finfo.name, flags.colored != NO ? "\x1b[0m" : ""); } else { printf("%s%s%s ", flags.colored != NO ? color : "", finfo.name, flags.colored != NO ? "\x1b[0m" : ""); } } free(finfo.name); } if (!flags.more_info) printf("\n"); } static int num_places (int n) { int r = 1; if (n < 0) n = (n == INT_MIN) ? INT_MAX: -n; while (n > 9) { n /= 10; r++; } return r; } static void push_file( struct FileInfo** files, struct FileListInfo* info, int* size, int* capacity, const char* file_path ) { struct FileInfo finfo; int user_len, group_len, name_len, size_len, link_len; if (!get_file_info(file_path, &finfo)) return; if (*size == *capacity) { *capacity *= 2; *files = realloc(*files, sizeof(struct FileInfo) * *capacity); } user_len = strlen(finfo.usr->pw_name); if (user_len > info->max_usr) info->max_usr = user_len; group_len = strlen(finfo.grp->gr_name); if (group_len > info->max_grp) info->max_grp = group_len; name_len = strlen(file_path); if (name_len > info->max_name) info->max_name = name_len; size_len = strlen(finfo.size); if (size_len > info->max_size) info->max_size = size_len; link_len = num_places(finfo.links); if (link_len > info->max_link) info->max_link = link_len; info->total_len += name_len + 2; info->total_size += finfo.bytes; (*files)[*size] = finfo; (*size)++; } static void recurse_directory(char* dir_name) { DIR* d; int capacity, size, save; struct dirent* file; struct FileInfo* files; struct FileListInfo info; save = push_path_buffer(dir_name); d = get_directory(get_path_buffer()); if (d == NULL) { return; } capacity = 8; size = 0; files = malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfo) * capacity); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct FileListInfo)); while((file = readdir(d)) != NULL) { if (!flags.hidden && prefix(".", file->d_name)) continue; if (flags.hide_dot && is_dot_dir(file->d_name)) continue; if (file->d_type == DT_DIR && !is_dot_dir(file->d_name)) { recurse_directory(file->d_name); } else { push_file(&files, &info, &size, &capacity, file->d_name); } } if (flags.colored == NO) { printf("\n%s:\n", get_path_buffer()); } else { printf("\n%s%s:%s\n", DIR_COLOR, get_path_buffer(), FILE_COLOR); } list_files(files, size, info); free(files); if (!flags.more_info) printf("\n"); closedir(d); pop_path_buffer(save); } static void list_directory(char* path) { DIR* d; int capacity, size, save; struct FileInfo* files; struct FileListInfo info; struct dirent* file; if (flags.recurse) { recurse_directory(path); return; } d = get_directory(path); if (d == NULL) return; save = push_path_buffer(path); capacity = 8; size = 0; files = malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfo) * capacity); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct FileListInfo)); while ((file = readdir(d)) != NULL) { if (!flags.hidden && prefix(".", file->d_name)) continue; if (flags.hide_dot && is_dot_dir(file->d_name)) continue; push_file(&files, &info, &size, &capacity, file->d_name); } if (size > 0) list_files(files, size, info); free(files); pop_path_buffer(save); closedir(d); } static bool is_dir(const char* path) { struct stat s; if (stat(path, &s) < 0) return false; return S_ISDIR(s.st_mode); } static void list_file_args(int start, int argc, char** argv) { int capacity, size, i; struct FileInfo* files; struct FileListInfo info; capacity = 8; size = 0; files = malloc(sizeof(struct FileInfo) * capacity); memset(&info, 0, sizeof(struct FileListInfo)); for (i = start; i < argc; i++) { if (is_dir(argv[i])) continue; push_file(&files, &info, &size, &capacity, argv[i]); } if (size > 0) list_files(files, size, info); free(files); } static void help(void) { printf("Usage: ls [FILE]...\n\n"); printf("List directory contents\n\n"); printf("\t-1\tOne column output\n"); printf("\t-l\tLong format\n"); printf("\t-a\tInclude names starting with .\n"); printf("\t-A\tLike -a but without . and ..\n"); printf("\t-R\tRecurse\n"); } static int short_arg(char c, char* next) { UNUSED(next); switch (c) { case 'R': flags.recurse = true; break; case '1': flags.one_column = true; break; case 'A': flags.hide_dot = true; flags.hidden = true; break; case 'a': flags.hidden = true; break; case 'l': flags.more_info = true; break; default: return ARG_INVALID; } return ARG_UNUSED; } static int long_arg(char* cur, char* next) { UNUSED(next); if (prefix("--color=", cur)) { char* arg = cur + 8; if (streql("yes", arg) || streql("always", arg)) { flags.colored = YES; } else if (streql("auto", arg)) { flags.colored = AUTO; } else if (streql("no", arg) || streql("never", arg)) { flags.colored = NO; } else { error("invalid color options: %s", arg); } } else { return ARG_IGNORE; } return ARG_UNUSED; } COMMAND(ls) { int start, i; bool titled; flags.hidden = false; flags.more_info = false; flags.hide_dot = false; flags.one_column = false; flags.recurse = false; flags.colored = NO; start = parse_args(argc, argv, help, short_arg, long_arg); if (argc - start == 0) { list_directory("."); return EXIT_SUCCESS; } list_file_args(start, argc, argv); titled = argc - start > 1; for (i = start; i < argc; i++) { if (!is_dir(argv[i])) continue; if (titled && !flags.recurse) { if (flags.colored != NO) { printf("\n%s%s:%s\n", DIR_COLOR, argv[i], FILE_COLOR); } else { printf("\n%s:\n", argv[i]); } } list_directory(argv[i]); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }