#include "command.h" #include "lslib.h" #include #include #define INPUT_LEN 1024 static char** lines = NULL; static unsigned long line_capacity; static unsigned long line_count; static unsigned long line_current; static bool pending_writes; static char* default_filename = NULL; static re_t last_regex = NULL; enum LineAddressType { INDEX, RANGE, SET, FREE }; struct LineAddress { enum LineAddressType type; union { struct { long int i; } index; struct { long int a; long int b; } range; struct { long int* b; unsigned long c; unsigned long s; } set; } data; bool empty; }; enum RegexDirection { BEFORE, AFTER, ALL }; static bool read_regex(char** end, re_t* regex, enum RegexDirection dir) { char c; char* index = *end; char* regex_str = index; while(true) { c = *(index++); if (c == '\0') { error_s("missing regex after %c\n", dir == BEFORE ? '?' : '/'); return false; } if (c == (dir == BEFORE ? '?' : '/')) { *(index - 1) = '\0'; break; } } *regex = re_compile(regex_str); last_regex = *regex; *end = index; return true; } static bool parse_regex(char** end, struct LineAddress* address, enum RegexDirection dir) { re_t regex; unsigned long cap, siz, i, until; long int* buf; if (!read_regex(end, ®ex, dir)) return false; cap = 8; siz = 0; buf = malloc(cap * sizeof(long int)); i = (dir == ALL ? 0 : line_current); until = (dir == BEFORE ? 0 : line_count - 1); for (; (dir == BEFORE ? i >= until : i < until); dir == BEFORE ? i-- : i++) { int len; if (re_matchp(regex, lines[i], &len) == -1) { if (dir == BEFORE && i == 0) break; continue; } if (cap == siz) { cap *= 2; buf = realloc(buf, cap * sizeof(long int)); } buf[siz] = i; siz++; if (dir == BEFORE && i == 0) break; } address->empty = false; address->type = SET; address->data.set.s = siz; address->data.set.c = cap; address->data.set.b = buf; return true; } static void free_address (struct LineAddress address) { if (address.type != SET) return; address.type = FREE; free(address.data.set.b); } static void expand_buffer(long int** buf, unsigned long* cap, unsigned long* size) { if (*cap == *size) { *cap *= 2; *buf = realloc(*buf, sizeof(long int) * *cap); } } static bool parse_regex_lines(char** end, struct LineAddress* address) { re_t regex; unsigned long cap, siz; long int* buf; int len; struct LineAddress addr; if (!read_regex(end, ®ex, ALL)) return false; cap = 8; siz = 0; buf = malloc(cap * sizeof(long int)); addr = *address; if (addr.type == INDEX) { if (re_matchp(regex, lines[addr.data.index.i], &len) != -1) { buf[0] = addr.data.index.i; siz = 1; } } else if (addr.type == RANGE) { long int i; for (i = addr.data.range.a; i < addr.data.range.b; i++) { if (re_matchp(regex, lines[i], &len) == -1) continue; expand_buffer(&buf, &cap, &siz); buf[siz] = i; siz++; } } else if (addr.type == SET) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < addr.data.set.s; i++) { if (re_matchp(regex, lines[addr.data.set.b[i]], &len) == -1) continue; expand_buffer(&buf, &cap, &siz); buf[siz] = addr.data.set.b[i]; siz++; } } free_address(*address); address->empty = false; address->type = SET; address->data.set.s = siz; address->data.set.c = cap; address->data.set.b = buf; return true; } static bool read_address(char** command, bool whitespace, struct LineAddress* a) { char* index = *command; struct LineAddress address; char* end_pre; long int n_pre; char pre; memset(&address, 0, sizeof(struct LineAddress)); address.empty = false; if (strlen(*command) < 1) { address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_current + 1; if (line_current >= line_count) line_current = line_count - 1; *a = address; return true; } n_pre = strtol(index, &end_pre, 10) - 1; if (end_pre == index) { n_pre = -1; } else { if (n_pre < 0) { error_s("input cannot be negative\n"); return false; } index = end_pre; } pre = *(index++); switch (pre) { case '.': address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_current; break; case '$': address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_count - 1; break; case '-': case '^': { char* end; long int n; address.type = INDEX; n = strtol(index, &end, 10) - 1; if (n < 0) { error_s("input cannot be negative\n"); return false; } if (index == end) { address.data.index.i = line_current - 1; } else { address.data.index.i = line_current - n; } if (address.data.index.i < 0) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", address.data.index.i + 1); return false; } break; } case '+': { char* end; long int n; address.type = INDEX; n = strtol(index, &end, 10) - 1; if (n < 0) { error_s("input cannot be negative\n"); return false; } if (index == end) { address.data.index.i = line_current + 1; } else { address.data.index.i = line_current + n; } if (address.data.index.i >= (long int) line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", address.data.index.i + 1); return false; } break; } case '%': address.type = RANGE; address.data.range.a = 0; address.data.range.b = line_count - 1; break; case ';': address.type = RANGE; address.data.range.a = line_current; address.data.range.b = line_count - 1; break; case '/': if (!parse_regex(&index, &address, AFTER)) return false; break; case '?': if (!parse_regex(&index, &address, BEFORE)) return false; break; default: { index--; if (n_pre == -1) { address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_current; address.empty = true; break; } else if (whitespace) { address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_current + n_pre; } else { address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = n_pre; } if (address.data.index.i < 0 || address.data.index.i >= (long int) line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", address.data.index.i + 1); return false; } } } *command = index; *a = address; return true; } static void free_data(bool all) { if (lines != NULL) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { free(lines[i]); } free(lines); lines = NULL; } if (all && default_filename != NULL) { free(default_filename); default_filename = NULL; } } static void load_empty(void) { free_data(false); line_capacity = 8; lines = malloc(sizeof(char*) * line_capacity); line_count = 0; line_current = 0; pending_writes = false; } static void get_input(FILE* file, char*** buffer, unsigned long* capacity, unsigned long* size) { unsigned long cap = 8; unsigned long siz = 0; char** buf = malloc(sizeof(char*) * cap); char* line = NULL; size_t offset = 0; clearerr(stdin); while (getline(&line, &offset, file) != -1) { if (cap == siz) { cap *= 2; buf = realloc(buf, sizeof(char*) * cap); } buf[siz] = line; siz++; line = NULL; } free(line); *buffer = buf; *capacity = cap; *size = siz; } int ed_getline(char *buf, size_t size) { size_t i = 0; int ch; clearerr(stdin); while ((ch = getchar()) != EOF) { /* Read until EOF ... */ if (i + 1 < size) { buf[i++] = ch; } if (ch == '\n') { /* ... or end of line */ break; } } buf[i] = '\0'; if (i == 0) { return EOF; } return i; } static void load_file(FILE* file) { free_data(false); line_current = 0; get_input(file, &lines, &line_capacity, &line_count); if (file != stdin) fclose(file); } static bool check_if_sure(char* prompt) { char buf[INPUT_LEN]; if (!pending_writes) { return true; } printf("%s", prompt); fflush(stdout); if (ed_getline(buf, INPUT_LEN) == EOF) { putchar('\n'); return false; } return prefix("y", buf); } static bool skip_whitespace(char** index) { char c; bool w = false; while (c = **index, c == ' ' || c == '\t') { (*index)++; w = true; } return w; } static void expand(unsigned long count) { if (count < line_capacity) return; line_capacity *= 2; if (count > line_capacity) line_capacity = count; lines = realloc(lines, line_capacity * sizeof(char*)); } static void append_lines(unsigned long index, char** new, unsigned long new_len) { if (new_len < 1) return; pending_writes = true; expand(line_count + new_len); if (index + 1 <= line_count) memmove(&lines[index+new_len], &lines[index], sizeof(char*) * (line_count - index)); memcpy(&lines[index], new, sizeof(char*) * new_len); line_count += new_len; } static void delete_lines(unsigned long a, unsigned long b) { unsigned long i; if (b < a) return; pending_writes = true; for (i = a; i <= b; i++) { free(lines[i]); } if (b == line_count - 1) { line_count = a; return; } memmove(&lines[a], &lines[b+1], sizeof(char*) * (line_count - (b + 1))); line_count -= (b - a) + 1; line_current = a; if (line_current >= line_count) line_current = line_count - 1; } static bool handle_append(struct LineAddress* address) { char** buf; unsigned long cap, size; if (address->type != INDEX) { error_s("append command requires index addressing\n"); return false; } if (line_count == 0) { address->data.index.i = -1; } get_input(stdin, &buf, &cap, &size); if (size > 0) { append_lines(address->data.index.i + 1, buf, size); printf("ed: appened %lu lines\n", size); } line_current += size; free(buf); return true; } static bool handle_delete(struct LineAddress* address) { if (address->empty && address->data.index.i >= (long int) line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", address->data.index.i + 1); return false; } if (address->type == INDEX) { delete_lines(address->data.index.i, address->data.index.i); output("deleted line %ld\n", address->data.index.i+1); } else if (address->type == RANGE) { delete_lines(address->data.range.a, address->data.range.b); output("deleted lines %ld-%ld\n", address->data.range.a+1, address->data.range.b+1); } else if (address->type == SET) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < address->data.set.s; i++) { delete_lines(address->data.set.b[i], address->data.set.b[i]); } output("deleted %lu lines\n", address->data.set.s); } return true; } static bool get_file_name(char** filename) { size_t len = strlen(*filename); if (len < 1 || (len == 1 && **filename == '\n')) { if (default_filename == NULL) { error_s("no default filename specified\n"); return false; } *filename = default_filename; } else { if ((*filename)[len - 1] == '\n') { (*filename)[len - 1] = '\0'; len--; } if (default_filename != NULL) { default_filename = realloc(default_filename, len + 1); } else { default_filename = malloc(len + 1); } memcpy(default_filename, *filename, len + 1); *filename = default_filename; } return true; } static void write_file(char* filename, struct LineAddress* address, char* type) { FILE* file; int wrote; if (line_count < 1) { error_s("cannot write empty file\n"); return; } if (!get_file_name(&filename)) return; file = get_file_s(filename, type); if (file == NULL) return; wrote = 0; if (address->empty) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < line_count; i++) { fprintf(file, "%s", lines[i]); wrote++; } } else if (address->type == INDEX) { long int i = address->data.index.i; fprintf(file, "%s", lines[i]); wrote++; } else if (address->type == RANGE) { long int i; for (i = address->data.range.a; i < address->data.range.b; i++) { fprintf(file, "%s", lines[i]); wrote++; } } else if (address->type == SET) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < address->data.set.s; i++) { fprintf(file, "%s", lines[address->data.set.b[i]]); wrote++; } } pending_writes = false; fclose(file); output("wrote %d lines from %s\n", wrote, filename); } static void read_file(char* filename) { FILE* file; char** buf; long int line; unsigned long capacity, size; if (!get_file_name(&filename)) return; file = get_file_s(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) return; capacity = 8; size = 0; buf = malloc(capacity * sizeof(char*)); get_input(file, &buf, &capacity, &size); if (size < 1) { free(buf); error_s("attempted to read a empty file\n"); return; } line = -1; if (line_count > 0) { line = line_count - 1; } append_lines(line, buf, size); free(buf); output("read and appended %lu lines from %s\n", size, filename); } static void expand_string(char** buf, int* capacity, int* size, char* text, int len) { if (*size + len >= *capacity) { *capacity *= 2; if (*capacity < *size + len) *capacity = *size + len; *buf = realloc(*buf, *capacity); } memcpy(*buf + *size, text, len); *size += len; } static int substute_string(long int index, long int matches, re_t regex, char* sub, int sub_len) { int capacity = 8; int size = 0; char* buf = malloc(sizeof(char) * capacity); long int left; int offset = 0; int matches_found = 0; while(true) { int distance, len; if (lines[index][offset] == '\0') break; if (matches_found >= matches && matches > 0) break; if ((distance = re_matchp(regex, &lines[index][offset], &len)) == -1) { break; } if (distance > 0) { expand_string(&buf, &capacity, &size, &lines[index][offset], distance); } expand_string(&buf, &capacity, &size, sub, sub_len); offset += len + distance; matches_found++; } left = strlen(lines[index] + offset); expand_string(&buf, &capacity, &size, &lines[index][offset], left + 1); free(lines[index]); lines[index] = buf; return matches_found; } static void prompt(void) { char buf[INPUT_LEN]; char* index; char cmd; bool whitespace, linenumbers; struct LineAddress address; printf(": "); fflush(stdout); if (ed_getline(buf, INPUT_LEN) == EOF) { putchar('\n'); return; } if (buf[0] == '\0') { putchar('\n'); return; } index = &buf[0]; whitespace = skip_whitespace(&index); if (!read_address(&index, whitespace, &address)) return; cmd = *(index++); if (cmd == ',') { struct LineAddress address2; if (address.type != INDEX) { error_s("comma range addressing requires two index addresses\n"); free_address(address); return; } whitespace = skip_whitespace(&index); if (!read_address(&index, whitespace, &address2)) { free_address(address); return; } if (address2.type != INDEX) { error_s("comma range addressing requires two index addresses\n"); free_address(address); free_address(address2); return; } address.type = RANGE; address.data.range.a = address.data.index.i; /* cursed */ address.data.range.b = address2.data.index.i; cmd = *(index++); } if (address.type == RANGE && address.data.range.a > address.data.range.b) { error_s("range addressing must be in ascending order\n"); free_address(address); return; } linenumbers = false; test: switch (cmd) { case '\0': case '\n': if (address.empty) { if (line_current == line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", line_current + 1); break; } else if (line_current + 1 == line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", line_current + 2); break; } else { line_current++; } printf("%s", lines[line_current]); break; } if (address.type == INDEX) { line_current = address.data.index.i; } else if (address.type == RANGE) { line_current = address.data.range.b; } else if (address.type == SET) { error_s("unexpected range addressing\n"); break; } printf("%s", lines[line_current]); break; case 'a': handle_append(&address); break; case 'd': handle_delete(&address); break; case 'c': if (!handle_delete(&address)) { break; } address.type = INDEX; address.data.index.i = line_current - 1; handle_append(&address); break; case 'n': linenumbers = true; __attribute__((fallthrough)); case 'p': if (address.empty && address.data.index.i >= (long int) line_count) { error_s("line number %ld does not exist\n", address.data.index.i + 1); break; } if (address.type == INDEX) { if (linenumbers) printf("%ld\t", address.data.index.i + 1); printf("%s", lines[address.data.index.i]); } else if (address.type == RANGE) { long int i; for (i = address.data.range.a; i <= address.data.range.b; i++) { if (linenumbers) printf("%ld\t", i + 1); printf("%s", lines[i]); } } else if (address.type == SET) { unsigned long i; for (i = 0; i < address.data.set.s; i++) { if (linenumbers) printf("%ld\t", address.data.set.b[i] +1); printf("%s", lines[address.data.set.b[i]]); } } break; case 'q': if (!check_if_sure("Quit for sure? ")) break; __attribute__((fallthrough)); case 'Q': free_address(address); free_data(true); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'g': skip_whitespace(&index); free_address(address); if (*(index++) != '/') { error_s("unexpected character at start of regex\n"); break; } if (!parse_regex(&index, &address, ALL)) { return; } skip_whitespace(&index); if (*index == '\n' || *index == '\0') { cmd = 'p'; } else { cmd = *(index++); } goto test; break; case 's': { char* replace = index; long int matches, sub_len, matches_found; unsigned long i; skip_whitespace(&index); if (*(index++) != '/') { error_s("unexpected character at start of regex\n"); break; } if (!parse_regex_lines(&index, &address)) { return; } while(*index != '\0' && *index != '/') index++; if (*index != '/') { error_s("/ missing after %c\n", *index); break; } if (address.data.set.s < 1) { error_s("no matches found\n"); break; } *(index++) = '\0'; if (*index == '\0' || *index == '\n') { matches = 1; } else if (*index == 'g') { matches = -1; } else { char* end; matches = strtol(index, &end, 10); if (end == index) { error_s("invalid number: %s\n", index); break; } if (matches < 1) { error_s("matches cannot be less than 1\n"); break; } } sub_len = strlen(replace); matches_found = 0; for (i = 0; i < address.data.set.s; i++) { matches_found += substute_string(address.data.set.b[i], matches, last_regex, replace, sub_len); } output("replaced %ld matches over %ld lines\n", matches_found, address.data.set.s); pending_writes = true; break; } case 'w': { bool quit = false; if (*index == 'q') { index++; quit = true; } skip_whitespace(&index); write_file(index, &address, "w"); if (quit) { free_address(address); free_data(true); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } break; } case 'r': { skip_whitespace(&index); read_file(index); break; } case 'e': if (!check_if_sure("Load new file for sure? ")) break; __attribute__((fallthrough)); case 'E': { char* filename; FILE* file; skip_whitespace(&index); filename = index; if(!get_file_name(&filename)) break; file = get_file_s(filename, "r"); if (file == NULL) break; load_file(file); break; } case 'W': skip_whitespace(&index); write_file(index, &address, "a"); break; case '=': printf("%ld\n", line_current + 1); break; default: error_s("unimplemented command\n"); break; } free_address(address); } static void prompt_loop(void) { while (true) { prompt(); } } static void help(void) { printf("Usage: ed [FILE]\n\n"); printf("Edit a given [FILE] or create a new text file\n\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tnewline\t\tgo to address line and print\n"); printf("\t(.)\ta\t\tappend new data after given line\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tc\t\treplace given lines with new data\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\td\t\tdelete given lines\n"); printf("\t\te file\t\tdelete current buffer and edit file\n"); printf("\t\tE file\t\tdelete current buffer and edit file unconditionally\n"); printf("\t\tg/re/command\tgrep all lines with regex and run command on matches\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tn\t\tprint given lines along with their line numbers\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tp\t\tprint given lines\n"); printf("\t\tq\t\tquit file\n"); printf("\t\tQ\t\tquit file unconditionally\n"); printf("\t($)\tr file\t\tread file and append to end of buffer\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\ts/re/replace/\treplace the first match on each matching line\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\ts/re/replace/g\treplace all matches on each matching line\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\ts/re/replace/n\treplace n matches on each matching line\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tw file\t\twrite contents of lines to file\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\twq file\t\twrite contents of lines to file then quit\n"); printf("\t(.,.)\tW file\t\tappend contents of line to file\n"); printf("\t\t=\t\tprint current line number\n"); } COMMAND(ed) { parse_help(argc, argv, help); if (argc < 1) { load_empty(); prompt_loop(); } else { FILE* file = get_file(argv[0], "r"); load_file(file); get_file_name(&argv[0]); prompt_loop(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }