package net.tylermurphy.hideAndSeek.commands; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import net.tylermurphy.hideAndSeek.ICommand; import net.tylermurphy.hideAndSeek.manager.WorldborderManager; import static net.tylermurphy.hideAndSeek.Store.*; public class SetBorder implements ICommand { public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if(!status.equals("Standby") && !status.equals("Setup")) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Game is currently in session"); return; } if(spawnPosition == null) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Please set spawn position first"); return; } if(args.length < 2) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Please enter worldborder size and delay"); return; } int num,delay; try { num = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); } catch (Exception e) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Invalid integer: "+args[0]); return; } try { delay = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); } catch (Exception e) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Invalid integer: "+args[1]); return; } if(num < 100) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Worldborder cannot be smaller than 100 blocks."); return; } Vector newWorldborderPosition = new Vector(); Player player = (Player) sender; newWorldborderPosition.setX(player.getLocation().getBlockX()); newWorldborderPosition.setY(0); newWorldborderPosition.setZ(player.getLocation().getBlockZ()); if(spawnPosition.distance(newWorldborderPosition) > 100) { sender.sendMessage(errorPrefix + "Spawn position must be 100 from worldborder center"); return; } worldborderPosition = newWorldborderPosition; worldborderSize = num; worldborderDelay = delay; sender.sendMessage(messagePrefix + "Set border center to current location, size to "+num+", and delay to "+delay); getConfig().set("borderPosition", newWorldborderPosition); getConfig().set("borderSize", num); getConfig().set("borderDelay", delay); saveConfig(); WorldborderManager.reset(); } public String getLabel() { return "setBorder"; } public String getUsage() { return " "; } public String getDescription() { return "Sets worldboarder's center location, size in blocks, and delay in minutes"; } }