local path_ok, plenary_path = pcall(require, "plenary.path") if not path_ok then return end local dashboard = require("alpha.themes.dashboard") local cdir = vim.fn.getcwd() local if_nil = vim.F.if_nil local nvim_web_devicons = { enabled = true, highlight = true, } local function get_extension(fn) local match = fn:match("^.+(%..+)$") local ext = "" if match ~= nil then ext = match:sub(2) end return ext end local function icon(fn) local nwd = require("nvim-web-devicons") local ext = get_extension(fn) return nwd.get_icon(fn, ext, { default = true }) end local function file_button(fn, sc, short_fn,autocd) short_fn = short_fn or fn local ico_txt local fb_hl = {} if nvim_web_devicons.enabled then local ico, hl = icon(fn) local hl_option_type = type(nvim_web_devicons.highlight) if hl_option_type == "boolean" then if hl and nvim_web_devicons.highlight then table.insert(fb_hl, { hl, 0, #ico }) end end if hl_option_type == "string" then table.insert(fb_hl, { nvim_web_devicons.highlight, 0, #ico }) end ico_txt = ico .. " " else ico_txt = "" end local cd_cmd = (autocd and " | cd %:p:h" or "") local file_button_el = dashboard.button(sc, ico_txt .. short_fn, "<cmd>e " .. vim.fn.fnameescape(fn) .. cd_cmd .." <CR>") local fn_start = short_fn:match(".*[/\\]") if fn_start ~= nil then table.insert(fb_hl, { "Comment", #ico_txt - 2, #fn_start + #ico_txt }) end file_button_el.opts.hl = fb_hl return file_button_el end local default_mru_ignore = { "gitcommit" } local mru_opts = { ignore = function(path, ext) return (string.find(path, "COMMIT_EDITMSG")) or (vim.tbl_contains(default_mru_ignore, ext)) end, autocd = false } --- @param start number --- @param cwd string? optional --- @param items_number number? optional number of items to generate, default = 10 local function mru(start, cwd, items_number, opts) opts = opts or mru_opts items_number = if_nil(items_number, 10) local oldfiles = {} for _, v in pairs(vim.v.oldfiles) do if #oldfiles == items_number then break end local cwd_cond if not cwd then cwd_cond = true else cwd_cond = vim.startswith(v, cwd) end local ignore = (opts.ignore and opts.ignore(v, get_extension(v))) or false if (vim.fn.filereadable(v) == 1) and cwd_cond and not ignore then oldfiles[#oldfiles + 1] = v end end local target_width = 35 local tbl = {} for i, fn in ipairs(oldfiles) do local short_fn if cwd then short_fn = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fn, ":.") else short_fn = vim.fn.fnamemodify(fn, ":~") end if #short_fn > target_width then short_fn = plenary_path.new(short_fn):shorten(1, { -2, -1 }) if #short_fn > target_width then short_fn = plenary_path.new(short_fn):shorten(1, { -1 }) end end local shortcut = tostring(i + start - 1) local file_button_el = file_button(fn, shortcut, short_fn,opts.autocd) tbl[i] = file_button_el end return { type = "group", val = tbl, opts = {}, } end local cats = { { [[ ,-. _,---._ __ / \]], [[ / ) .-' `./ / \]], [[( ( ,' `/ /|]], [[ \ `-" \'\ / |]], [[ `. , \ \ / |]], [[ /`. ,'-`----Y |]], [[ ( ; | ']], [[ | ,-. ,-' | /]], [[ | | ( | hjw | /]], [[ ) | \ `.___________|/]], [[ `--' `--']], }, { [[ _]], [[ \`*-. ]], [[ ) _`-. ]], [[ . : `. . ]], [[ : _ ' \ ]], [[ ; *` _. `*-._ ]], [[ `-.-' `-. ]], [[ ; ` `. ]], [[ :. . \ ]], [[ . \ . : .-' . ]], [[ ' `+.; ; ' : ]], [[ : ' | ; ;-. ]], [[ ; ' : :`-: _.`* ;]], [[[bug] .*' / .*' ; .*`- +' `*' ]], [[ `*-* `*-* `*-*']], }, } math.randomseed(os.time()) local header = { type = "text", val = cats[math.random(1, #cats)], opts = { position = "center", hl = "Type", }, } local section_mru = { type = "group", val = { { type = "text", val = "Recent files", opts = { hl = "SpecialComment", shrink_margin = false, position = "center", }, }, { type = "padding", val = 1 }, { type = "group", val = function() return { mru(0, cdir) } end, opts = { shrink_margin = false }, }, }, } local buttons = { type = "group", val = { { type = "text", val = "Quick links", opts = { hl = "SpecialComment", position = "center" } }, { type = "padding", val = 1 }, dashboard.button("e", " New file", "<cmd>ene<CR>"), dashboard.button("SPC f f", " Find file"), dashboard.button("SPC f g", " Live grep"), dashboard.button("SPC p", " Update plugins", "<cmd>PlugUpdate<CR>"), dashboard.button("c", " Configuration", "<cmd>cd ~/.config/nvim/ <CR>"), dashboard.button("q", " Quit", "<cmd>qa<CR>"), }, position = "center", } local config = { layout = { { type = "padding", val = 2 }, header, { type = "padding", val = 2 }, section_mru, { type = "padding", val = 2 }, buttons, }, opts = { margin = 5, setup = function() vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd('DirChanged', { pattern = '*', group = "alpha_temp", callback = function () require('alpha').redraw() end, }) end, }, } return { header = header, buttons = buttons, mru = mru, config = config, -- theme specific config mru_opts = mru_opts, leader = dashboard.leader, nvim_web_devicons = nvim_web_devicons, }